Eastern Virginia Mountain Bike Association

Building, Riding and Maintaining Trails in Southeastern Virginia since 1988

News as of April 3, 2019

April 03, 2019 6:22 AM | Anonymous


April 13 – Trail work at York River State Park starting at 9am.  There will be lunch and a brief meeting afterward.  Please bring shovels and gloves as we will start by working on the pump track.  Please bring a side dish (salad, chips, etc.) to share with the group for lunch.  Bring your bike for a group ride after lunch.

April 28th – Weekend on your Wheels begins the spring season with a free pre-ride from 1pm to 3 pm.  Bring your young mountain biker, ages 3-17, out to enjoy the trails and have some fun.

April 26-28 – The Raystown trip is Canceled due to a lack of interest.  If you were interested in going, don’t cancel your plans.  EVMA will not have the group site but there are plenty of camping sites available to book on your own.  If you are still going, post on EVMA Chatter to link up with others.

May 4 – Group ride and meeting at York River State Park.  This is the same day as the Annual Burning of the Socks to kick off paddling season.  So you can ride, have lunch, then get in the water.  More info at https://www.visitwilliamsburg.com/events/burning-socks-canoe-kayak-season-kick

June – We are hoping to plan a trip to Pocahontas State Park.  Come out for the day or plan to camp.  We are all busy so chime in if you are interested and which weekend is best.  Post on EVMA Chatter or email Melanie at melanie_storrs@yahoo.com.  We will likely discuss this at the next meeting.

Sept. 20-22 – Tentative dates for fall Douthat trip.


Photos Needed – The Newport News Department of Tourism is updating their website’s MTB Trails page and is requesting pictures of riders on Harwood’s Mill and Lake Maury trails. Please send any you have to mgrossdvm@mindspring.com.

Need a new bike? – You’ve been thinking about it, and there are two upcoming events where you can take a spin on a new bike.  Mark your calendars and come on out:

Saturday, May 11th – Rocky Mount Demo (Location and time TBD)

Sunday, June 23rd – Trek Demo at Freedom Park 10 am-1pm

Volunteer Needed – EVMA is seeking a new VP of trails.  Duties include collecting information from trail leaders and reporting to the group.  Please contact Mike Benton if you are interested.

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